Circular Stone Emblem


Circular Stone Emblem
Granitone Campus

🪞 Granitone is built from Stone. Its emblem is a mirror shield. 🛡️

Granitone celebrates the work of humankind. It attracts budding sculptors, steelworkers, and architects to join its ranks with its flawless reputation for industry.

Honmoners designed, architected, and built every structure within campus walls, from the Chicktryce Dorms and Grizzicream Café to the Philosopher’s Plaza. The Kurolo Express, the train line responsible for transporting students around Honmonia, represents one of the campus’ finest achievements. Granitone Library sits atop a manmade hill, offering students an atelier to test their ideas as they consult blueprints and manuals from ages past.

Nisemono Toys sells perfectly crafted replica of Honmon for use in play and simulation. Rather than focusing on the physical nature of battle, the Granitonians often chart their winning strategies by moving replica pieces across the board.

Granitonians host their League home games at the Chessboard Colosseum, known for its black-and-white checkered court and guardian statues that come to life to stop games that turn unruly.

Studio Classroom

Hands-on Classes in Art and Design

Granitone Studio Classroom

Chessboard Colosseum

Stone-Crafted Stadium

Chessboard Colosseum

Chessboard Colosseum

Chicktryce Dorms

Granitone Student Residences

Granitone Chicktryce Dorms

Granitonian Honmoners

Daryl Followill
Zoe Zhang
Don de León
Mr. de León
Izumi Grenouille
Ms. Grenouille

Honmon Native to Granitone
